Digital Transformation for Businesses
March 2, 2024

Digital transformation refers to the transformation that information and technology have shown in their enterprises with the development and the fact that they have a great place in human life. Moving business processes to a digital environment where information is spread much faster and time and money-saving is intensive can be expressed as digital transformation.
Conversion helps businesses achieve their business processes much faster and easier. A detailed study of the conditions of today, when even shopping shifts to the digital environment, we can say that the company that prefers digital transformation is one step ahead of its competitors.
Digital Transformation In Healthcare
Digital transformation in the health sector offers many benefits that both hospitals and health organizations and patients can benefit from. In this context, American Hospital health institution has made its business processes much faster by collecting both the information of its patients and the information obtained from the fields through digital transformation.
The popularity of smartphone apps enables remote monitoring of patients, especially people with chronic conditions, and monitoring of medical data 24/7. American Hospital provides services to its patients in much higher quality with its unique system. With the data collected from American Hospital, information about patients ‘ past diseases can be obtained and treatments can be performed according to this information.
Digital Transformation In Fast Consumption Sector
When it comes to the fast consumption sector, brands such as Ülker, Eti and Nestle come to mind. We can express that each company implements its digital transformation activities and makes various transformations to make its businesses more successful. However, Nestle has managed to outperform its competitors with a digital conversion application.
Using a corporate blockchain to monitor the Zoegas coffee brand, one of Nestle’s products, Nestle has achieved great success in this area. Nestle, which places QR codes scanned by consumers in packages so that Zoegas coffee can be tracked to coffee beans, provides consumers with information such as a farmer, harvest time, and a transaction certificate for certain specified shipments using a blockchain.
Digital Transformation for Businesses was originally published in SyconX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.