Brand Protection: How Do You Keep Your Domain Not Falling?
January 16, 2024

Domain and hosting are 2 basic concepts that are extremely important for websites. In the absence of these 2 concepts in this direction, it is not possible for websites to be opened to service and to be included in search engines. So, what are domain and hosting? Let’s examine it together.
What Is Domain?
The domain is the name of the site. It provides a redirect to the website by typing a certain combination in the domain browser line, which can be translated into Turkish as a domain name. For example, “ “we are redirected to this site with an address such as”.
A website is a collection of web pages containing content (text, images, files, and other information). Pages, along with all their content, are stored on a web server, on a real computer. The domain name can be defined as the address where these pages are located. When you type a domain in the search bar, the browser understands where to search for the required Server.
Previously, site addresses were specified by numbers. To find the site, you need to enter the user’s IP address. The IP address was created from combinations of four numbers separated by dots. But although a computer can memorize any number of numeric combinations, it is difficult for people to keep an IP address in their minds. Therefore, the numbers have been replaced with text names, and the domain names we use today have occurred.
What Is Hosting?
Hosting is a concept that can be translated into Turkish as website hosting. Website Hosting is an online service that allows you to post your website or web application on the internet. When you sign up for a hosting service, you typically rent space on a server where you can store all the files and data you need for your website to function properly. A server is a physical computer that runs non-stop. So, it is always available for those who want to visit your site. Your hosting is responsible for keeping the server running, protecting it from malicious attacks, and transferring your content (text, images, files) from the server to your visitors ‘ browsers.
Brand Protection: How Do You Keep Your Domain Not Falling? was originally published in SyconX on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.